Sabi Holistic healing

What to Expect

Sabi Holistic healing

What to Expect

Before Session

Before your session date, you will receive an email with all the necessary information that you will need to best prepare for the session.

The Session

  • We will go through 3 stages during our time together.

1. Intake:
  • During this portion, we will go through the consent form and general medical questions and then delve into the details of what you wish to address in the session.
  • Time will be set aside to explain what you can expect to experience during the hypnosis portion, and we will have time to answer any questions you may have.
  • This portion takes about 30 minutes.

2. Hypnosis part:

This portion usually lasts around 2 to 2.5 hours, where the crux of the therapeutic work will be done.

Hypnotherapy works in a solution-oriented way, the session is an active collaboration where there is a constant dialogue between the hypnotherapist and the client. The following techniques are integrated during hypnotherapy:

  • Inner Child Work
  • Shadow Work
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Forgiveness therapy
  • EFT (a scientifically proven therapy for mind and body where we work on anxiety disorders, traumas, and more by working on the Meridian ends)
  • Omega therapy

What To  Expect While In Hypnosis

During the hypnosis portion of the session, you can expect to feel very relaxed and at ease.

You will not be unconscious or asleep during the session – being conscious and aware during the hypnosis portion is necessary to overcome the issue you want to work on and gain understanding and insight. While you will be able to access memories in your subconscious and share them with me, at the same time, you will also be aware of everything that is going on around you in the room all the time and communicate fully and openly with me. The main difference between the preliminary conversation and the actual hypnosis portion of the session is a more profound sense of relaxation in your body and a shift to a slower, calmer dialogue.

You will also be able to recall your experience – the experience is similar to remembering a dream from the night before, but with more clarity and insight.

During the session, you may sometimes feel that you are not in hypnosis. This is normal because your conscious mind, although passive, will be awake and aware. However, even though you feel conscious and aware, your body will undoubtedly perform movements while you are in hypnosis that is beyond our conscious control. I will continually watch for these movements and signals during the session and take the necessary steps to achieve success during the session.

3. Post-Talk:

  • The third and last portion of the session consists of a short discussion.
  • It Is intentionally short as you will still be processing, so while we will go over key points, we will not go into details of the session.
  • This may last up to 15-30 minutes.

After the session

Following the session, it is highly suggested to have something to eat and drink right after, and if possible, not make any immediate plans (within 30 minutes-1 hour) right after the session.   As you will not know how you will feel, it will allow you to have space and time to process if it is necessary for you.  Again, there is no way to predict how you will experience a session.
Following the session, clients generally report feeling a bit tired, yet feeling positive, lighter, liberated, and more relaxed than before the session, as though they have released the ‘weight’ they were carrying around.